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Pastor Anthony F. Eaton, DMin


A native of Mobile, AL, Dr. Anthony F. Eaton is the youngest of ten children. As a youth, he was very active in several ministries of his home church, Holmes Street Missionary Baptist Church. It was no surprise he would begin his preaching ministry at age 18, after completing high school as class salutatorian and as a freshman at Talladega College. As an ardent disciple of Jesus Christ, Anthony has spent most of his life developing spiritually and academically, having served in a senior pastoral position for the past 37 years and as a former moderator of Wake
Missionary Baptist Association. After completing his Master of Ministry degree, he immediately enrolled into the Doctor of Ministry degree program with emphasis in Christian Counseling with hopes to open a Christian Counseling Ministry. By the grace of God, when he completed this program, In Christ Counseling was birthed. Eaton remains passionate about utilizing all his gifts, experiences, and knowledge to actively participate in fulfilling the Great Commission. Expanding the Kingdom of God by making disciples is one of his greatest delights.

In 1986, he married his high school sweetheart, Kimbla Gordon. They have 5 children (including their 2 daughters husbands, who are sons indeed) and 3 grandchildren. He is a devoted family man!

A former English teacher, pastor of Kingdom Mission Church, president of In Christ Counseling, developer of Christian education curricula, president of Kingdom Ministry School, owner of J & A, LLC, owner of Black Boyz Read and Eaton’s Communications, an avid researcher and writer, Pastor Eaton is committed to the “Jesus Kind of Ministry: Teaching, Preaching, Healing, and Casting Out of Demons.”

One of Dr. Eaton’s favorite scriptural passages: Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on Him, If ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples indeed, John 8:31

1329 Kirkland Road

Raleigh, NC 27603


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